Commercial EICR

The Commercial EICR is a formal assessment, and the electrician will provide a formal report that details the condition of the electrical installation and whether it is safe or whether they have any specific defects that need to be addressed and resolved.   

The law states that the electrical installations in commercial properties must adhere to and comply with certain standards of safety so that people can use these commercial properties. The two main laws that need to be followed are the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and Landlords and Tenants Act 1985. 

EICR Commercial Property

Once the EICR at the commercial property has been completed and the report issued, commercial property owners must complete all the required amendments by the date specified. Plus, a copy of the report must be given to tenants within 28 days of the inspection taking place. 

In addition to supplying tenants with the report, commercial property owners have to keep a copy of the report and give it to the next EICR inspector when the time comes. If the local authority asks for a copy of the report, then this must be sent within seven days. 

 Failure to adhere to the regulations or complete the required repair work can result in a £30,000 fine being imposed by the local authority.  


Years Established

EICRS Complete

Commercial EICR Testing

A commercial EICR testing inspection works to identify specific issues with your electrical system. Each qualified electrician will check the cabling for any cracks or breaks, the earthing and bonding to ensure it is intact and functioning correctly, the circuits for faults and equipment that may become a  fire hazard. It is important to know that any electrical faults in a system are a fire and shock hazard and that landlords and business owners have a duty of care to protect everyone from these risks. 

 The EICR Report should be completed once every five years for commercial properties and once every three years for industrial properties. However, if a system is particularly old or not in the best possible condition, then the EICR frequency may be increased.  

 The EICR will grade any work required into three categories: 

  • C1 – this is when there is danger present, and anyone who may use the system is at serious risk of harm. This category will require urgent repairs by a qualified electrician. 
  • C2 – when there is no immediate danger, but there is a real threat of danger in the future, and so repairs need to be arranged in a timely fashion. 
  • C3 – this is when there is no immediate danger or potential danger, but where improvements would result in a much safer environment for all. 



EICR Commercial Premises

 An EICR on a Commercial Premises is the process by which a commercial property’s electrical installation is evaluated. An EICR report must be undertaken by a qualified and approved electrician or contractor. The EICR not only providers landlords and business owners with an up to date understanding of how their systems are working, but it also lets them know if their installation complys with the UK national safety standards.